Tenemos dos vg:
Y dentro de estos vg tenemos los dos discos en mirror:
hdisk3 - hdisk5 (sapvg) -> sapdatalv3, sapdatalv4
hdisk12 - hdisk15 (sapexp2) -> sapdatalv8, sapdatalv9
- Primero se dan la LUN
chdev -l hdiskX -a pv=yes
chdev -l hdiskX -a reserve_policy=no_reserve
->Sobre los discos nuevos de cada nodo (vemos sus atributos con lsattr -El hdiskX)
#(PEC_A) />smitty hacmp
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
Initialization and Standard Configuration
Extended Configuration
* System Management (C-SPOC)
Problem Determination Tools
System Management (C-SPOC)
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
Manage HACMP Services
HACMP Communication Interface Management
HACMP Resource Group and Application Management
HACMP Log Viewing and Management
HACMP File Collection Management
HACMP Security and Users Management
* HACMP Logical Volume Management
HACMP Concurrent Logical Volume Management
HACMP Physical Volume Management
Open a SMIT Session on a Node
HACMP Logical Volume Management
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
* Shared Volume Groups
Shared Logical Volumes
Shared File Systems
Synchronize Shared LVM Mirrors
Synchronize a Shared Volume Group Definition
Shared Volume Groups
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
List All Shared Volume Groups
Create a Shared Volume Group
Create a Shared Volume Group with Data Path Devices
* Set Characteristics of a Shared Volume Group
Import a Shared Volume Group
Mirror a Shared Volume Group
Unmirror a Shared Volume Group
Set Characteristics of a Shared Volume Group
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
* Add a Volume to a Shared Volume Group
Remove a Volume from a Shared Volume Group
Enable/Disable a Shared Volume Group for Cross-Site LVM Mirroring Verification
-> sapvg (hdisk0 y hdisk13) (son los discos de un nodo que tb estarán en mirror)
-> sapex2vg (hdisk1 y hdisk14)
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